DF On Social Media

For those wanting to follow me on social media, here are the links to my pages. I only have three – I'd rather be spending my time writing than in cultivating a ubiquitous social media presence – and my involvement in each varies. If you're communicating with or contacted by any pages other than these three, they aren't me.






Facebook has become pretty much unreadable for me of late. Easily two thirds of my feed now consists either of adverts or 'suggested' pages, i.e. things I don't even follow. Said suggestions seldom have relevance to my interests, and contain a hefty proportion of click-bait or links to list articles. Where's the stuff from my friends, or from the pages I actually do follow because I want to see their posts? Probably buried somewhere beneath Facebook's unfathomable algorithms. I also run a page on Facebook dedicated to my writing, and though I do post there whenever I have news, I know that my content gets seen by only a fraction of my followers unless I pay to boost it into people's feeds, which I'm not prepared to do. 


I got dispirited with Twitter a while back, and spend little time there these days. I've never found it the most engaging of sites, and my interactions there have always been limited. That said, the texts of my albums Future Ghosts and Open The Dog did originate in posts on my Twitter feed, circa 2013-2014, so maybe it does have value; at the time I was using it as a notepad, sketching out lines and ideas. I've not done that for a while, however. Twitter also won't let me follow anybody new, and hasn't for several years – every time I try to do so I get a message saying I can't follow anybody else 'at this time' – so if you've followed me and are wondering why I've not followed you back, that'll be the reason. It's not because I'm ignoring you. 


Which leaves us with Instagram, to which I'm a relatively recent recruit, and which is probably the best of the bunch for me. Unlike Facebook, I actually get to see the stuff that people I follow post. I've found the community there to be more engaging, too, and people seem to mostly understand that the 'social' aspect of social media goes beyond an endless chase for follower and post like tallies. It's ironic perhaps that, being a writer, the social media forum I currently favour is the most visual and least text-based, but there you have it.